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Irving-based Succeed On Purpose is on a mission to help the local community find meaningful work, whether that's in a job or running their own business. Through their research, they have identified ways to find the path right for each individual. Self-reflection is key in this process. One attribute that must be examined is whether someone is meant to be an entrepreneur or has entrepreneurial traits. Succeed On Purpose explains the difference in more detail below:

If you ever Google “common traits of entrepreneurs,” you’ll find tons of articles on the topic (trust me, I did, and you will). One thing those articles usually don’t mention is that being entrepreneurial doesn’t mean you’re meant to be an entrepreneur. Some people with entrepreneurial traits just can’t hack it as entrepreneurs. In fact, many entrepreneurial types find more success and joy working for somebody else. Wondering which entrepreneurial track you should take? Let’s break it down.

Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial types DO have a lot in common 

Most lists that cover the common traits of successful entrepreneurs include many of the following qualities: 

  • Self-motivated
  • Hard working
  • Driven
  • Passionate
  • Risk taker
  • Fearless
  • Decisive
  • Doer
  • Persuasive
  • Collaborative
  • Flexible
  • Visionary
  • Innovative
  • Creative
  • Confident
  • Positive thinker
  • Resourceful
  • Connector
  • Curious
  • Persistent
  • Authentic
  • Philanthropic


Sure, it helps to possess these traits if you want to be an entrepreneur but employers looking for employees with entrepreneurial spirits also seek candidates with many of these same qualities. Those candidates are the people that companies hire to build and lead their organizations.

You may be entrepreneur material if you need to blaze your own trail and are willing to take risks 

Entrepreneurs go all in, guns a blazing and balls to the wall. NOT pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams is NOT an option. And, the potential risk of losing everything doesn’t paralyze a true entrepreneur like it paralyzes someone with an entrepreneurial spirit who is better suited to working for someone else. 

Many entrepreneurs don’t want to get bogged down in the minutiae of things like processes and procedures needed for scalability. They have a vision of what they want to build and simply MUST go after it. As Tren Griffin remarks in his book A Dozen Lessons for Entrepreneurs, “entrepreneurs don’t ‘noodle;’ they do.”  

There are three types of business models for entrepreneurs. Take our FREE Business Persona quiz to find out which model would suit you best and bring you the most success. 

You may have an entrepreneurial spirit if you’re risk-averse and desire scalability

What many entrepreneurial types—or happy, successful employees—have that successful entrepreneurs usually do not is the desire to drive scalability and aversion to personal risk. They want to build something great and put systems in place that enable a business to scale. However, they prefer that someone else put up the cash so that they do not have to risk personal financial loss if that business (or entrepreneur) flounders or fails. 

The stress of going it alone and potentially losing it all is too much for entrepreneurial types to bear. However, these people with entrepreneurial spirits can still build something big and achieve great financial success and personal joy by working for companies that are owned by somebody else.

Are you an entrepreneurial type who is stuck in an unfulfilling career? Our FREE Career Persona Quiz will identify the type of work you are naturally suited for and the companies that will value your gifts. 

Still thinking about starting a business or want to kick a fledgling business into high gear? 

We’ve got more, amazing FREE content for you! Our FREE Business Foundation program will teach you about the three critical components every business needs to succeed. 

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TM_Passion is about what I love. Purpose is why I

The question, “what is my purpose?” is searched over 5,000 times on Google globally each month. Irving-based Succeed On Purpose wants to help the local community answer that questions for free.

For those who’ve asked the “purpose question,” it’s usually because of an inner ache we feel, a feeling of wanting more or searching for something (although we’re usually not sure what it is). At least that was true for me when I searched for purpose in 2009. 

Today, after a decade of living purposefully and working with countless others in defining their purpose, I’ve found the purpose-quest means different things to different people. Said another way, the question “what is my purpose?” could be asked for three very different reasons.  

Let’s explore what’s underneath the “what is my purpose” question.

1.  The question, “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” 

Very often the reason we search for purpose is that we are wondering what we should be doing with our lives. Either our current line of work no longer fills our cup, or priorities shifted and the path no longer feels right. 

This is when the ache is the hardest to bear… when the path we are on is no longer the right path. Deep down we know it’s not right, but because we chose that path and became comfortable, we tend to stay where we are until the ache becomes unbearable.  

Unfortunately, we don’t understand that purpose isn’t something we DO… it’s who we are. It’s who we are and how we do everything regardless of the job, business, or role we currently play.  

We’ve been taught to believe that what we DO is what makes us who we are. We say “I am an accountant” for example. But that’s not true; it might be what we do for a living, but it’s not who we are. When we understand who we are, at our core (which is where purpose resides), it brings the meaning to what we do. 

In Oprah’s newest book, The Path Made Clear, she focuses primarily on this question - how to find the purpose path. 

2.  The question, “How can I bring meaning to my career/business/life?”

Another reason we ask, “what is my purpose?” is that we’re in search of more meaning to our work and/or life. For some reason, the work we’re doing or the life we’re living lost its meaning.  

The absence of meaning causes us to question why we’re on this earth and if we truly have a purpose for being here. This line of questioning is painful because of the emptiness that ensues. 

What we don’t realize is that finding meaning starts by getting real about what we actually find meaningful. 

  • Are we working a job we don’t love when we’d really prefer to stay home with our kids? 
  • Or are we trapped in a career that isn’t enjoyable because we were trying to please someone else? 
  • Or do we have a business calling out to us, but we’re not answering the call because we are trapped by the illusion of security?  

It could be a thousand different scenarios, but the root cause is that we’re not honest about what it is we find meaningful. 

If this sounds familiar and you want to get started, simply make a list of what you’re good at and what you enjoy. Look at the list and ask yourself, what would I do if money were no object?  

This is a great way to be honest with yourself and about what you find meaningful. Once you have that clarity, then look for doors that lead you to that. You would be surprised at what opens up “all of a sudden.” 

3.  The final question, “What are the actual words to my purpose?” 

Many times, when we ask the purpose question, we’re really searching for that something that illuminates our uniqueness or what makes us special. We’re searching for the definition of our essence or inner being, as well as the course for our life.  

Finding your purpose statement (usually no more than 2 words) brings clarity to everything – what you do, how you make your way in this world, how you are at work (regardless of the job), how you interact with others. It is who you ARE. It truly is what makes you special.  

Remember, it is not what you DO. You might be a gifted artist or athlete like no other, but your purpose is who you are at your core.   

I’ve found that having these magical two words are SO important to determine what’s meaningful, as well as where the path is. The day I discovered that my purpose is to “inspire potential” was the day I began to shift everything towards purpose, meaning and impact.  

If you’re ready to ask these deeper purpose questions, join me by taking our free Finding Your Purpose course. It’s a self-discovery journey that will unleash your potential and guide you to your path.







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Irving-based Succeed On Purpose is on a mission to help the local community achieve abundance and prosperity. So what does it take? Do you have to be born into an affluent family?

We’ve all heard the sayings:

  • The rich get richer.
  • It takes money to make money.


But are these sentiments true? No.

According to The Guardian, there is no correlation between inherited wealth and the ability to create wealth as an adult. Being born into a wealthy family does not guarantee that a person can legitimately create wealth later in life. 

What rich people do have, which we all can learn from, is the belief that wealth is attainable. They expect it. 

A series of studies from several renowned research institutions point to the notion that those born into great prosperity have a built-in expectation that wealth is attainable.

Some of these same studies also found that wealthy people are less empathetic and feel they deserve special treatment; attributes that are less than desirable. Many movies like The Wolf of Wall Street and popular television shows Empire and Succession perpetuate these ideas. 

Do We Block Our Own Ability to Create Wealth?

It’s possible that these stigmas, true or not, have impacted our beliefs about the morality of prosperity. And it is possible that our perception of wealthy individuals creates a subconscious block to creating wealth because we fear it will inevitably come with undesirable traits. This is a fallacy. 

In fact, people who have not been born into prosperous circumstances and have learned how to create significant wealth as adults, but are also statistically more successful, AND more generous. My grandfather taught me this at an early age. He would pull out the encyclopedia and show me stories of self-made business leaders, such as Andrew Carnegie who created massive wealth and was considered to be one of the most generous leaders of this time. Gramps would say, “Terri, you get what you focus on. Figure out what you love to do, and expect to be prosperous. Don’t let your life today hold you back. Focus on success.” 

As a result, I sought out role models from my era, people like icons Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Oprah Winfrey to name a few. 

All were born into average or impoverished circumstances but went on to create massive fortunes while ALSO living with remarkable generosity and grace. It’s like they had the best of both worlds.

The question then is, how can we learn from the rich while maintaining our own moral compass? Kind of like asking ourselves “how can the non-rich, get rich…and do good?” 

Asking THAT question is where breakthrough ensues.  

The truth is… any person can learn how to create wealth while remaining compassionate and purposeful. For tips on how to do this, check out our free Self-Transformation Course.  

So, what’s holding you back? 

First, learn to expect that wealth is possible and look for role models who embody BOTH prosperity and generosity.

Second, change the way you think about creating wealth. In addition to misconceptions about rich people being selfish, the majority of people correlate wealth with the requirement of hard work. 

In a recent survey of adults conducted by the Succeed On Purpose team, we found a common misconception about wealth creation and the belief that it takes “working hard" to have money.

When asked “What are your earliest memories about wealth and money, 62% of respondents said, “It takes hard work to create money and wealth.” (Figure 1) 

Figure 1:


Figure 2:

Source: 2019 ProsperityBeliefs Survey; ©Succeed On Purpose. 

Furthermore, when asked, “How easy is it for you to create prosperity now?” almost 73% said, “I must work hard to create what I want.” 

This is simply not true. Although wealthy people work hard, it’s usually because they enjoy what they are doing, or are internally driven to succeed. Conversely, there are many self-made millionaires who work normal hours, take weekends off, and take regular vacations and breaks.  

Interestingly enough, in this same Succeed On Purpose study, a mere 2.7% said they were born into extreme wealth, while 12.2% said they had created an extremely prosperous life as an adult.  

So, yes, the rich get richer… IF they believe wealth is attainable. 
The average also get rich… IF they believe wealth is attainable. 
And, the poor can also get rich… IF they believe wealth is attainable. 

If you’re ready to create more prosperity, join me for our next Prosperity Challenge and prove to yourself that you have the ability to create abundance and prosperity.  


While it brings me great joy to say I successfully transformed my side hustle into a full-time business, I have to admit, it all began as a happy accident. Like many eventual entrepreneurs who find themselves unemployed, I didn’t know how to start a business and fear of financial ruin was paralyzing me. If I only knew then what I know now …

After losing a marketing job in corporate America, I decided to pursue what I thought was the fastest and easiest path to replenish my bank account. That’s right, I immediately started looking for another job in corporate America. Fortunately, a higher power intervened, kicked me in the pants and forced me to do what I love to do to find success. 

Starting a business was hard – but NOT starting a business was no longer an option 

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I picked up a few writing gigs to help pay the bills. That’s right, writing and editing was my side hustle and something I had done here and there in past jobs and on the side. I’ve always loved writing, but I never thought I could transform that passion into a business – until the checks started coming in. 

Eventually, I realized this business was meant to be, so I took proactive steps to make it grow. I knew corporate America was something I never wanted to go back to, and I believed, I truly believed, that becoming an entrepreneur was not only possible, it was destined to be. 

Want to become an entrepreneur? Decide to do something different 

The only sad part about my happy ending was that I allowed myself to be miserable for years working a job I ended up hating. It wasn’t until I lost that job that I was forced to try something different. 

What if instead, I had allowed myself to believe that it was possible to create and build a business doing something I loved? I’m here to tell you all – IT IS POSSIBLE! You just need to decide to do something different.  

Here are a few things I learned as I made the shift from side hustler to full-time entrepreneur. 

No. 1: It helps to sock away a little savings before quitting your day job. 

In my case, it took a couple of years to meet then exceed the income I earned at my previous job. If you can save up a few dollars to give you a cushion while you get your business off the ground, life will be a lot less stressful.

No. 2: Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Once I decided that starting a business was the right move for me, I reached out to other entrepreneurs, past clients and business leaders for advice. I wasn’t asking them for business. I was asking what they did to become successful and lessons they learned along the way. They were happy to oblige, and I learned A LOT. 

No. 3: Network, network, network.

You need to set goals for yourself when it comes to networking – whether it’s by phone, email, text or in person. One of my mentors recommended I set a goal of connecting with five to 10 people – existing OR new contacts – every week. Those goals kept me focused. 

No. 4: Commit to being the best and they will come.

When you love what you do it’s a lot easier to do it well. That being said, all entrepreneurs have those “too much on our plate” days, when it’s hard to do our best. Suck it up! My clients know they can rely on me and that I care about their business as much as I care about my own. That’s good for job security and even better for referrals.

No. 5: If you don’t know how to start a business, get professional advice.

Another happy accident that happened in the early days of my business was meeting Irving-based Succeed On Purpose CEO and Founder Terri Maxwell. Who better to get advice from than a serial entrepreneur? Through Succeed’s on-demand programs and one-on-one coaching, Terri taught me the critical steps necessary for launching a business, her secret sauce for accelerating business growth and more. 

If you’re ready to turn your side hustle into a real business, make your entrepreneurial dreams come true or kick-start a business that is floundering, the time is now to GET REAL with the Make It Real Pursuit

For a limited time, when you purchase Terri’s on-demand Business Launch program, you’ll get one-on-one small group coaching with Terri for FREE. To learn more, visit the Make It Real Pursuit page for details. And as a special gift to our local community, we'd like to offer 25% off. Use code SUCCEEDGIFT to redeem your discount.

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Growing up in poverty gave Irving-based Succeed On Purpose founder, Terri Maxwell, an interesting perspective on wealth. Fortunately, contrast is a teacher that frequently bears gifts.

For decades she studied every mindset tool, eagerly trying to make the Law of Attraction work consistently. 

Face it. Few people can apply the Law of Attraction and get results every time. For some, it works occasionally, and others, not at all. 

Why is that?

Her quest to find answers uncovered several insights on obstacles preventing prosperity and abundance: 

1) The biggest obstacle to the Law of Attraction is our fear that we are not powerful enough to create what we want. Let that sink in for a minute. 

The truth is we fear we can’t actually create what we desire. Thus, no prosperity method, much less the Law of Attraction, will ever work until we overcome this fear. It doesn’t matter what tool we use, nothing will work consistently unless we release the fear that we are not powerful enough to create abundance.

2) What we desire and what we expect we can have are not aligned. Needless to say, this derails success. 

We can want financial freedom all day long, but if we don’t expect it’s possible, we will inadvertently create what we expect, not what we want. 

The reason why our desires and expectations are not aligned is that they come from different places. Desire comes from our soul. The soul communicates through desire. 

Expectations are driven by the ego, and these expectations come with a “governor-like” mechanism that lowers expectations constantly. Sometimes it is to protect us from disappointment or fear however, this downward pull on what we expect derails success.

3) We get what we focus on BUT we don’t know how to focus on abundance. 

For many, the concept of abundance (having more than we need) is either foreign, negative, or at least uncomfortable. Since focus and intention are critical to manifest abundance, we will fail if we don’t and can’t maintain our focus singularly on what we desire.

Is there a better way? Yes. 

She designed a series of experiments to prove to herself (and later to a test group) that we are indeed capable of creating what we want. Consistently.

What did the experiment reveal? 

1) The Law of Attraction doesn’t work as long as the ego is driving. 

If we can deploy a method to get the ego to cooperate, the chances of success skyrockets. The ego needs a plan and obsesses over “how” to make the Law of Attraction work. Herein lies the problem. The Law of Attraction is a spiritual LAW, not a method! But the ego needs a process, a method, a roadmap. 

What she found is that if we give the ego a map and a specific role in the journey, while letting the soul drive, we can manifest just about anything. 

2Desire is the key to creating abundance.

Unfortunately, most of us have given up our desires and aren’t even sure what we want anymore. So, unleashing desire and listening to what our soul wants, is paramount to creating abundance.

So, now what?

Succeed On Purpose developed the Prosperity Challenge for you to learn how to create abundance consistently, as well as prove (to yourself) that you are powerful enough to create what you want. And, as with all our programs, we unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction. Period.

You are more powerful than you believe and you can successfully create what you want. 

Learn how to tap in and unleash the soul’s desires and ensure the ego cooperates. 

The results of the Prosperity Challenge have been astonishing. Here are a few quotes from participants: 

- “I was able to raise my fees by 20% after the first 2 lessons.”

- “I created enough income to give my family the vacation we always dreamed of. 

- “It is hard to put in a sentence how amazing and impactful The Prosperity Challenge is. It’s like taking the scales from your eyes until you see everything in a totally different way.” 

- “It worked! I was asked to be a speaker at a conference next month!” 

- “Two amazing potential clients appeared within weeks!” 

These are just a few stories from participants in the Prosperity Challenge. 

Terri wants to show you how to create abundance consistently. We're offering our local community a special 25% discount on the Prosperity Challenge. Use code ATTRACTABUNDANCE at checkout to save.

Come join us as we build a community powered by abundance!

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Finding a career can be challenging these days. Finding a career doing work that is meaningful to you is even more difficult. Many of us end up taking jobs that simply pay the bills, and in some cases, hardly do that. Succeed On Purpose, an Irving-based training platform, is teaching professionals to do more than just find jobs. They are teaching them how to turn their purpose into a career.

Terri Maxwell, CEO of Succeed On Purpose, has had a career that’s spanned more than 20 years. She has launched, owned, sold, re-branded and turned-around more than 40 brands. Through her experience, she has learned that the happiest and most successful people are those that are doing work that’s in line with their purpose. Terri has developed and refined a proven curriculum that goes beyond the standard job search tactics.

We all know that a job search requires more than an appealing résumé and a nice cover letter, yet many career transition programs focus largely on these two items. At Succeed On Purpose’s Meaningful Money workshop, the concentration is on the individual. Attendees learn to:

  1. Identify work that is meaningful to them
  2. Find companies hiring for positions that are in line with their purpose
  3. Confidently market themselves to those companies

Terri has taught her workshop to many DFW classes with impressive results. 53% of graduates find meaningful work in 90 days or less, while 74% find it in less than 120 days.  Don’t miss out on an opportunity to find a successful and meaningful career. Join Succeed On Purpose May 16 for the next Meaningful Money Workshop to start (or jumpstart) your career!


After a brief hiatus Succeed On Purpose is back with several exciting events that aim to help local professionals improve their lives and careers. The goal behind each event is to help individuals find their purpose, evaluate options to find meaningful work, and build a plan to carry it forward.

Succeed On Purpose’s upcoming events kick off with a free webinar on September 24. The webinar, titled Meaningful Money, teaches individuals how to overcome obstacles, such as debt and stress, to provide a better life for oneself. This webinar is will be co-hosted with Steven Neuner, the CEO of Plano-based Alkali Insurance. He tells his story of building a customer-focused business while working to provide a better life for his family.

Following that event, there will be a Meaningful Money Workshop on September 27. This one-day event focuses on living a life of purpose, while also achieving financial success. Attendees will be given the tools to overcome their fears and find a life of professional meaning and abundance.

Next, Succeed on Purpose will focus on entrepreneurs for the two-day Launch On Purpose Workshop, scheduled for October 17 and 18. In this workshop, entrepreneurs will learn to take their businesses to new heights and propel their income to more than $5K per month in less than 120 days. 

All events will wrap up before the holidays kick off with a Career Transformation Workshop that will take place November 6-8.  This event has an impressive track record of helping unemployed and underemployed professionals find their purpose and create a plan to move towards a life of professional meaning and abundance. 74% of graduates find meaningful work in 120 days or less. 

Las Colinas-based Succeed On Purpose is proud to help local individuals improve their lives. To learn more about the company or register for any of these events, visit their website.

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Succeed On Purpose, based in Irving, TX, dedicates its time to helping the unemployed and underemployed find work that has meaning. This is done through a series of workshops and subsequent coaching that helps individuals identify their purpose and then create a plan to apply it in a way that will bring financial success.

The Succeed On Purpose transformation platform has helped hundreds who are either out of a job and looking for work, looking to improve their current job situation, or launch their own business.

The foundation for finding meaning and financial success in your career is uncovering your purpose. Saturday, June 7, Succeed On Purpose will be hosting a one-day workshop to help individuals find what motivates them and then develop dozens of ideas for how they can live their purpose.  This is the first step to finding meaningful money!

To learn more about the Meaningful Money Workshop on June 7, visit our website.

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Finding a career can be challenging these days. Finding a career doing work that is meaningful to you is even more difficult. Many of us end up taking jobs that simply pay the bills, and in some cases, hardly do that. Succeed On Purpose, an Irving-based training platform, is teaching professionals to do more than just find jobs. They are teaching them how to turn their purpose into a career.

Terri Maxwell, CEO of Succeed On Purpose, has had a career that’s spanned more than 20 years. She has launched, owned, sold, re-branded and turned-around more than 40 brands. Through her experience, she has learned that the happiest and most successful people are those that are doing work that’s in line with their purpose. Terri has developed and refined a proven curriculum that goes beyond the standard job search tactics.

We all know that a job search requires more than an appealing résumé and a nice cover letter, yet many career transition programs focus largely on these two items. At Succeed On Purpose’s Career Transformation workshop, the concentration is on the individual. Attendees learn to:

  1. Identify work that is meaningful to them
  2. Find companies hiring for positions that are in line with their purpose
  3. Confidently market themselves to those companies

Terri has taught her workshop to many DFW classes with impressive results. 53% of graduates find meaningful work in 90 days or less, while 74% find it in less than 120 days.  Don’t miss out on an opportunity to find a successful and meaningful career. Join Succeed On Purpose April 24-26 for the next Career Transformation workshop to start (or jumpstart) your career!


“Success is a choice, when failure is NOT an option.”  - Terri Maxwell

Twelve years ago, I became an entrepreneur, failed miserably and lost everything (50k at the time). Despite the failure, I was hooked on the freedom, creativity and passion of building a business, and never wanted to go back to a job again.

As my grandfather taught me – try again. The company was someone else’s idea/product and money (since I had none). A year later we sold the company for a tiny bit of money. I then went to a start-up as their top marketing and sales executive (FlashNet) and soon became President of FlashNet Marketing, a subsidiary of the Fort Worth ISP.  We rocked it. Unfortunately, after the IPO, the owners of FlashNet mismanaged the company, and it crashed during the bust. Our stock went from $17 (before the IPO) to $60, and eventually to $3, at which time the company was sold to Prodigy (Now AT&T). I made lots of money, and lost a lot too. But, we had done something cool, and I wondered if I could build my own business.
Now as part of Prodigy I had a choice: work as an employee, or leave and do my own thing. I knew becoming an employee wasn’t exciting, but starting my own business, for real?  That pushed fear buttons. Could I really do this?  All I could see was past failure, what I didn’t know, what could go wrong.
So, I walked the easy route and took a job. I was miserable. Six months later, September 11th occurred and reminded everyone how truly short life is. Two days later I resigned. On January 1, 2002, I started my own company as a solopreneur.
I was petrified. I made mistake after mistake. I struggled for two years, but eventually matched my corporate income. It was time to go to the next level and turn it into a real company. In January 2004, I kicked off an aggressive lead program and hired a sales manager.
Our income the end of 2004 was the same as 2003, around $250,000. Flat. In 2003 it was just me, so I got to keep the money. In 2004, we had team members, so now I lost a lot of money. Flat revenues AND losing money. We failed. Nothing. Zip. Nada.
So, I stopped. My only thoughts were: “I can’t do this”. I thought about how I had failed. I thought that being successful as an entrepreneur was something other people could do. Not me.
I wondered…what DOES it take to be successful as an entrepreneur? If I knew the magic formula, maybe it could be learned. So, for the next two weeks I interviewed 100 successful entrepreneurs in Dallas, trying to find the common reasons for entrepreneurial success. Was it education? Money? Ideas? Hours worked? Product? A skill? Or maybe some special ingredient only they possessed?
The ONLY common denominator was perseverance. They would NOT quit. They were determined to figure it out, to learn what ever, and to make it happen.
All had failed more than they had been successful. They were grossly inept at the things that made businesses work (lead generation, sales, accounting, operations, processes).  But they didn’t care. Somehow, they would learn what they needed to learn and would do it. They didn’t just HOPE this would happen, they KNEW it would happen.
When I asked how they found that belief, they couldn’t tell me. They just said something snapped along the way, and they decided quitting wasn’t an option.
There was now a new choice to make. To quit, or to DECIDE never to quit. Deciding not to quit means the decision is irreversible. There’s no going back. You have to leave it all on the table.
By this time, I had already invested all assets and had no money left. Now what?
Decide never to quit. I snapped. I had a great brand, we had a handful of happy clients. I had an idea the company could be differentiated in the market. I wanted it. So I jumped.
I financed the next 90 days of my personal and business expenses using a second mortgage on the house.  I set an audacious goal for 2005… We would hit $1 Million in revenue, despite the last 2 years of only achieving $250,000 per year. I would NEVER quit. The team around me could feel the shift. Something had changed.
Every day, I started at 6am by opening our sales pipeline report. I found 3 leads to contact each day and implemented a disciplined fill, advance, and close focus that I still use today: “Three Good Moves Per Day”.  I reinvested every cent back into lead generation. At the end of March 2005, we had grown but were still losing money. This time, it was an easy decision. I would NOT quit. I financed the next 90 days on credit cards.
We made a profit in Q3. At the end of 2005 our revenue was $960,000.  There had been many mistakes along the way, but I was forever changed.  Success was a choice, but only because failure was no longer an option.
At the end of 2006, our revenue was $3 million…just a year later. All  debt was repaid, and I had money again. In 2007, revenue reached $6 million, and we sold the company in 2008.
The rest, of course, is history. And now I, Terri Maxwell, take those lessons to help entrepreneurs across the country grow successful businesses through Success On Purpose.
It all started with one decision: to never quit. Success is a choice, period. Entrepreneur (or being part of a start-up) means mistakes are just part of the deal.  The question is…will you quit?