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Finding a career can be challenging these days. Finding a career doing work that is meaningful to you is even more difficult. Many of us end up taking jobs that simply pay the bills, and in some cases, hardly do that. Succeed On Purpose, an Irving-based training platform, is teaching professionals to do more than just find jobs. They are teaching them how to turn their purpose into a career.

Terri Maxwell, CEO of Succeed On Purpose, has had a career that’s spanned more than 20 years. She has launched, owned, sold, re-branded and turned-around more than 40 brands. Through her experience, she has learned that the happiest and most successful people are those that are doing work that’s in line with their purpose. Terri has developed and refined a proven curriculum that goes beyond the standard job search tactics.

We all know that a job search requires more than an appealing résumé and a nice cover letter, yet many career transition programs focus largely on these two items. At Succeed On Purpose’s Career Transformation workshop, the concentration is on the individual. Attendees learn to:

  1. Identify work that is meaningful to them
  2. Find companies hiring for positions that are in line with their purpose
  3. Confidently market themselves to those companies

Terri has taught her workshop to many DFW classes with impressive results. 53% of graduates find meaningful work in 90 days or less, while 74% find it in less than 120 days.  Don’t miss out on an opportunity to find a successful and meaningful career. Join Succeed On Purpose April 24-26 for the next Career Transformation workshop to start (or jumpstart) your career!

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