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One of the oldest cemeteries in Irving - Kit Cemetery

“Get Your Kicks Around 356” will be the theme of the Irving Heritage Society program on Sunday, October 27, beginning at 2:30pm, at 222 East Irving Blvd. Following a brief business meeting, guests will learn about all of the historical markers throughout the City of Irving.  Local history panelists will share details of the various markers.  A gallery walk of images of the markers will be set up to view. The public is invited to attend this free program and refreshments will be served.


For additional information, visit or call 972-252-3838.

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Welcome to the Heritage House

The Irving Heritage House, located at 303 South O’Connor, will be open on Sunday, September 1, from 3pm to 5pm for the monthly first Sunday tours.  Admission is free and docent led tours are offered at 3pm and 4pm.  Built in 1912, this Recorded Texas Historic Landmark provides a glimpse of one of Irving’s early families and their home. 


In the garden area behind the Heritage House, the recently  reconstructed Mary’s Playhouse will also be open for visitors during the same hours.  Originally built as a chicken coop, the building was adapted in the 1920s as a playhouse for the young Schulze daughter Mary.  Toys, books and other treasures from Mary and her brother Charles are displayed.


For more information, visit or call 972-252-3838.  Group tours of the Heritage House and Mary’s Playhouse are available by special appointment.

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Irving Heritage Society donated $55,000 to sponsor an exhibit in the Irving Archives and Museum.


Donations totaling $60,000 from the Irving Heritage Society and the Irving Heritage Festival were received at the July 25th membership meeting of the Friends of the Irving Museums. Jimmy Bellew and Diane Mannon presented a check in the amount of $5,000 for special museum acquisitions to Jennifer Landry, Director of the Irving Museums, and Todd Hawkins, Executive Director of the Arts and Culture Department.  Anne Pfaff, Irving Heritage Society treasurer, additionally presented a check of $55,000 as an exhibit sponsor from the Irving Heritage Society.


These funds will be used in the soon to be completed Irving Archives and Museum, located at 801 West Irving Blvd.  It is scheduled to open later this fall.


For more information on the Friends of the Irving Museums, visit or call 972-252-3838.

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Welcome to the Heritage House

Stepping across the threshold at 303 South O’Connor, is to step back in time.  The Heritage House, as it is now called, was built in 1912 for the family of C.P. and Virginia Schulze.  It will be open for public tours on Sunday, August 4 from 3pm-5pm.  Mary’s Playhouse in the back garden area will also be open for tours.  Admission is free and children are welcome.


The Schulze family was the only family to ever live in the home. In 1975, the Schulze children gave their family home as a historic landmark to the City of Irving.  It is operated by the Irving Heritage Society.  In 1986 it was designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark.


With wallpaper similar to the original pattern used when the house was built in 1912, the “pink” bedroom contains furniture, bed, dresser and washstand originally the property of the Paschal P. Tuckers of Dallas, Mrs. Virginia Schulze’s parents.  It is Victorian walnut with burl walnut inlay.  The bedspread was crocheted by Mrs. Tucker to fit the bed.


To see photos of the Heritage House, visit  Group tours may also be scheduled for alternate times.  For more information, contact 972-252-3838.

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Welcome to the Heritage House

On Sunday, July 7, the Irving Heritage House will be open for tours from 3pm-5pm.  Docent led tours begin at 3pm and 4pm.  Built in 1912 for the C.P. Schulze family, this Recorded Texas Historical Landmark is located at 303 South O’Connor.  Admission is free.


Just behind the Heritage House is Mary’s Playhouse.  Originally built as a chicken coop, it was adapted as a playhouse for young Mary Schulze in the 1920’s.  Many original toys and items from the Schulze family are included in the display.


Group tours may also be scheduled for alternate days.  Contact 972-252-3838 for details.


To see photos of the Heritage House, visit  For more information, contact 972-252-3838.

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Welcome to the Heritage House

The Heritage House will be open for free tours on Sunday, June 2, from 3pm-5pm, with docent led tours at 3pm and 4pm.  Located at 303 South O’Connor, the Heritage House was built in 1912 for the C.P. Schulze family.  It is a Recorded Texas Historical Landmark.


Mary’s Playhouse in the backyard garden area is now open for visitors as well.  Originally built as a chicken coop, this building was adapted as a playhouse for young Mary Schulze in the 1920s.  Many original toys and items are included in the display.


Group tours may also be arranged for alternate days and time. Call 972-252-3838 for details.


To see photos of the Heritage House, visit  For more information, contact 972-252-3838.

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Ice Cream Social

The Irving Heritage Society will host an ice cream social on Sunday, May 5, on the front lawn of the Heritage House at 303 South O’Connor.  A general meeting beginning at 2pm will include the election and installation of officers for the upcoming year, followed by the refreshments.  A croquet set will be available for a round or two for those wishing to play.


Tours of the Heritage House and Mary’s Playhouse will be conducted from 3pm to 5pm.   The event is free and the pubic is welcome.


For more information, visit or call 972-252-3838.

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Friends and Family Game Night

Friends and Family Game Night will kick off the 12th Annual Celebrating Irving:  The City and The Man events on Friday, April 5th.  The activities will be held at the Lively Pointe Youth Center, 909 North O’Connor Road, from 6pm-8:30pm.  All activities are free, food will be served and prizes awarded.  Youth 11 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult.


Teen jams are a tradition at Lively Pointe with our youth and Celebrating Irving’s rich history is a tradition for the Irving Heritage Society.  An evening of card and board games will include many games from the past, and some with a new twist.  


These events are sponsored by the Irving Heritage Society, Irving Public Library, Irving Art Association, Irving Black Arts Association, Irving Independent School District, Boy Scout Troop 773, Irving Arts Center, and the City of Irving. Funded by Irving ShareTank and funded in part by the City of Irving through the Irving Arts Board.  For more information, visit or call 972-252-3838.

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Rick Fairless on one of his special bikes.

Cruisin’ Through Irving History will be the theme of the Heritage House tours on Sunday, April 7.  Rick Fairless grew up in Irving and is the owner of Big State Fountain Grill as well as several other businesses like Strokers Dallas, known for their magnificent motorcycles. Rick began riding bikes on the streets of Irving at the age of 9 years of age and has never lost his love for them.  


For 20 years, he worked for his uncle’s Roach Paint Store, which later became Glidden Paints.  Working up the ladder and in various departments over the years, Rick became the number one salesman in the company.  In 1996 he left the paint business to establish an Easyriders franchise as his own business. This became Strokers Dallas in 2002 and is patronized by bike owners from all parts of the country.


In 2014, Rick Fairless and his wife Susan made a decision to save Big State Fountain Grill as it filled their hearts with so many memories of their youth in Irving.  Located in downtown Irving, Big State has been an Irving tradition since 1948.


Rick will be on hand part of the time of the free tours of the Heritage House and Mary’s Playhouse which are from 3pm-5pm. Look for the beautiful old house built in 1912 with a fancy Rick Fairless bike parked out in front.


For more information, visit or call 972-252-3838.

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Welcome to the Heritage House

The house built in 1912 by C.P. Schulze, brother of one of the co-founders of Irving, is one of the oldest homes in Irving.  It was designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark in 1986.  The Heritage House is located at 303 South O’Connor and will begin the first Sunday monthly tours from 3pm-5pm, with docent led tours at 3pm and 4pm. Admission is free.


Mary’s Playhouse, located in the back garden area, was once a chicken coop.  It was converted into a playhouse for the young Mary Schulze in the 1920’s.  It contains various vintage toys, many of them  belonging to Mary and her brother Charles.   


For more information visit or call  972-252-3838.  Group tours may also be arranged at alternate times.