Starts 01/20/2023 19:30 (Friday)
Ends 02/04/2023 19:30 (Saturday) Central Standard Time
Duration 15d
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January 20-February 4, 2023
Dupree Theater at Irving Arts Center
By Lauren GundersonDirected by Raven Lawes
Jane Austen meets Steve Jobs in this poignant pre-tech romance heralding the computer age! As the British Industrial Revolution dawns, young Ada Byron Lovelace (daughter of the flamboyant and notorious Lord Byron) sees the boundless creative potential in the “analytic engines” of her friend and soul mate Charles Babbage, inventor of the first mechanical computer. Together, they envision a whole new world where art and information converge—a world Ada might not live to see. A music-laced tale of love, friendship, and dreams!