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On Nov. 15, a seniors group at the Irving Family YMCA partnered with Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) during the annual America Recycles Day (ARD).


KIB supplied blue recycling bags, which the seniors filed with recyclable materials and delivered to the YMCA. KIB staff weighed the bags and recorded the amounts. In total, 304 pounds of materials were collected, diverted from the landfill, and recycled. Approximately 20 seniors participated in the activity and offered 20 hours of volunteer time by collecting items and promoting recycling in the community.


America Recycles Day is a Keep America Beautiful initiative and is the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. Thousands of communities across the country participate by promoting environmental stewardship and taking action to increase and improve recycling in the U.S. ARD educates residents about the importance of recycling and encourages habitual recycling in the community.


“The Irving Family YMCA offers so much to our community,” said KIB board member Rachel Moon. “The organization has an active seniors group that has participated with us for many years during America Recycles Day. This group is always enthusiastic and ready to help. We came here today to thank the seniors for serving as KIB volunteers and doing their part in promoting recycling.”


Keep Irving Beautiful is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the community about litter abatement, recycling, and beautification to preserve the health and promote the social and economic prosperity of the city. As an award-winning affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Irving Beautiful reaches out to all sectors of the community, including government, businesses, churches, as well as cultural, educational, neighborhood and civic organizations.  For more information on volunteering with KIB or making an activity a “green event,” visit or call (972) 721-2175.

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