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Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) board and staff members Margie Stipes, Scott Wilson, Julie Schmitt and Rick Hose conducted the annual city-wide Litter Index survey on Friday, October 16.  As one of the requirements for KIB maintaining the highest President’s Circle level in the Keep America Beautiful program, this survey is performed at approximately the same time each year.  It involves driving specific routes which consist of nine areas across the city, each divided into four sections.  Participants score each site from one to four based on the amount of litter seen, with 1 being the least littered and 4 being extremely littered.  This same route has been covered since the original survey in 2001, and each year the results are calculated and compared to the baseline data and to the prior year.  This year’s overall average of a 1.22 score represents a decrease in litter of 36% from the first score fourteen years ago, and even surpassed last year’s excellent score by an additional 8%.


    “I enjoy taking part in this each year,” said KIB Vice President Margie Stipes, “because it really gives us a good perspective on how different areas, and the whole city, are doing as far as litter is concerned.  Each time we do the Litter Index, I notice something different, and what I especially like is seeing how well-kept many of our neighborhoods are.  I think people are more conscious of littering as being unacceptable behavior, and I’d like to think that KIB has had a lot to do with that by raising awareness about how important it is to pick up litter and set an example for others.  In addition, the city’s litter team does a great job in keeping our corridors clean.  I always come away from this day feeling very good about the city we live in, knowing that Irving is continually heading in the right direction in the fight against litter.”


     Keep Irving Beautiful is a non-profit, grassroots, leadership organization dedicated to educating our community about litter abatement, recycling, and beautification in order to help preserve the health and promote the social and economic prosperity of our city. As an award winning affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Irving Beautiful reaches out to and partners with all sectors of our city including government, business, church, cultural, educational, neighborhood and civic organizations.  If you are interested in volunteering with KIB, or making your activity a “green event,” please go to, or call the KIB office at 972-721-2175.

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