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Residents of the Las Brisas Hills Condominiums recently joined Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) for a neighborhood cleanup project. During the two-day cleaning period—March 29 and 30—a total of 18 volunteers provided 78 service hours and collected approximately 600 pounds of trash from the surrounding areas. KIB volunteer and Las Brisas Hills homeowner Sammy Romero coordinated the project. KIB provided the group with all the necessary cleanup supplies, including volunteer vests, litter grabber tools, gloves and trash bags, as well as a scale to weigh the collected bags.

“The Las Brisas Hills group has conducted cleanups for several years. The projects serve as a great opportunity to work with each other as neighbors in a common goal,” said Romero. “We feel that we all have a responsibility to keep the environment clean, and this project demonstrated that spirit. Our group always appreciates KIB’s assistance in the annual cleanups.” 

Keep Irving Beautiful is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the community about litter abatement, recycling, and beautification to help preserve the health and promote the social and economic prosperity of the city. As an award-winning affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Irving Beautiful reaches out to all sectors of the community, including government, businesses, churches, as well as cultural, educational, neighborhood and civic organizations. For more information on volunteering with KIB or making an activity a “green event,” visit or call (972) 721-2175.

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