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Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) looks to all areas of the city for its volunteers, and one focus of its outreach is that of faith groups.   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has participated in several service projects with KIB, with the most recent being a paint project at Shady Grove Trail Park in South Irving. A total of nineteen men and boys from the Irving meetinghouse gathered at the park on Saturday, August 26 for a day of service.  After receiving safety instructions, they broke into groups the tackle the task – painting three pavilions in the park.  They first prepped the areas by wiping down the beams and ceilings, sanding and scraping as needed, and then painting.  When all was done, the group had given 57 hours of volunteer service in making the facilities at this popular park more beautiful.  The Parks Department provided supplies and technical guidance for the project. Previously, members of the Latter-day Saints church have participated in cleanups at Trinity View Park, and a cleanup and paint project at Running Bear Park.

“Our partnerships with faith groups here in Irving is a vital part of our program,” said Faith Groups Chair Rachel Moon. “We enjoy working with the various denominations in our common goal of making our city more beautiful.  These volunteers did a great job here at Shady Grove Trail, and we know that the people who use this park will appreciate their efforts.”

Keep Irving Beautiful is a non-profit, grassroots, leadership organization dedicated to educating our community about litter abatement, recycling, and beautification to help preserve the health and promote the social and economic prosperity of our city. As an award-winning affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Irving Beautiful reaches out to all sectors of our city including government, business, church, cultural, educational, neighborhood and civic organizations.  If you are interested in volunteering with KIB, or making your activity a “green event,” please go to Keep Irving Beautiful, or call (972) 721-2175.

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