
Getting accepted to a university can be an exciting time for any student. You’ve probably been planning for the moment for many years. However, now that you’ve reached this point in your life, decisions will need to be made. One of the most important decisions you’re facing is whether or not to live on or off campus. Consider the comments made by one university’s rental office,


“The decision to live off campus and enter into a rental agreement is a big one. You should consider factors before making the decision since it will affect more than just where you live, but also can affect your entire college experience.”


While choosing to live off campus can afford you more freedom it also comes with more responsibilities to take care of. Students who are considering off-campus housing should weigh the additional responsibility and whether or not they are adequately prepared to handle them.




Most students understand that apartment living is a major expense but that is not enough to make your off campus experience a success. While calculating the cost of rent is a given, many students fail to recognize that there are many other costs associated with living off-campus. Unlike living on campus where all expenses are usually covered, off campus students will have additional costs they may not think about; utilities, insurance, deposits, furniture, cleaning supplies, etc. When deciding to rent off campus housing many of these expenses may be overlooked.




Students also need to consider the location of the new apartment. You can try apartments near University of Dallas. While getting away from campus may be something you are seriously considering, you need to be balanced. Finding a place that is too far from the campus could cause a host of problems in getting to and from class on time.


Living off campus can be an entirely new experience for the right student. As they explain in the Huffington Post,


“College is about more than the classroom, and lots of things happen quickly and without a lot of advanced notice. When it comes to being an engaged part of the college community, being there is half the battle!”


For most students, being off campus will be their first venture into the adult world. There will be a lot of new and exciting experiences but there’ll also be a lot of surprises along the way. Keep your eyes and your mind open as you venture into this new experience; in the end, it will prove to be a time in your life you’ll be talking about for years to come.

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