Irving BubbleLife -

Only One Lie


Audrey J. Cole


This book had me turning pages and staying up late!


Only One Lie is a riveting new historical mystery by author Audrey J. Cole set during the early days of the United States's involvement in WWII. Soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the three-year-old son of a wealthy banking family is kidnapped, but while the parents comply with the ransom demands, the kidnapper is found dead, and their child is nowhere to be seen. The story is intense, and the Seattle location came alive for me with the well-researched incorporation of the look and feel of the time.

The main characters, especially the two wives, Vera Chandler and Priscilla Ellis, are well-drawn and, although of a very different time and place, easy to relate to. Both go through extraordinary situations, the kidnapping, the search for Max, and wartime, and I was constantly surprised as I realized how young they must be. I enjoyed how bold Vera was, and for that matter, Priscilla. I seriously wanted to smack her husband, Vincent, so many times. 

The story is compelling, beginning with the kidnapping of Priscilla's 3-year-old son, Max. However, the flying aspects and the women flyers' involvement in the war effort were quite interesting. Wartime had galvanized women into taking on roles previously unheard of or denied. There are great twists and turns in the plot, so just as I thought I knew where the story was headed, it took a sudden jog, and I was driven to read on! 

I look forward to more from this author and recommend ONLY ONE LIE to readers who enjoy thrilling historical mystery stories, especially those set during World War II or in the Pacific Northwest. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024