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Rick Fairless on one of his special bikes.

Cruisin’ Through Irving History will be the theme of the Heritage House tours on Sunday, April 7.  Rick Fairless grew up in Irving and is the owner of Big State Fountain Grill as well as several other businesses like Strokers Dallas, known for their magnificent motorcycles. Rick began riding bikes on the streets of Irving at the age of 9 years of age and has never lost his love for them.  


For 20 years, he worked for his uncle’s Roach Paint Store, which later became Glidden Paints.  Working up the ladder and in various departments over the years, Rick became the number one salesman in the company.  In 1996 he left the paint business to establish an Easyriders franchise as his own business. This became Strokers Dallas in 2002 and is patronized by bike owners from all parts of the country.


In 2014, Rick Fairless and his wife Susan made a decision to save Big State Fountain Grill as it filled their hearts with so many memories of their youth in Irving.  Located in downtown Irving, Big State has been an Irving tradition since 1948.


Rick will be on hand part of the time of the free tours of the Heritage House and Mary’s Playhouse which are from 3pm-5pm. Look for the beautiful old house built in 1912 with a fancy Rick Fairless bike parked out in front.


For more information, visit or call 972-252-3838.

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