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Welcome to the Heritage House

The Heritage House will be open for free tours on Sunday, June 2, from 3pm-5pm, with docent led tours at 3pm and 4pm.  Located at 303 South O’Connor, the Heritage House was built in 1912 for the C.P. Schulze family.  It is a Recorded Texas Historical Landmark.


Mary’s Playhouse in the backyard garden area is now open for visitors as well.  Originally built as a chicken coop, this building was adapted as a playhouse for young Mary Schulze in the 1920s.  Many original toys and items are included in the display.


Group tours may also be arranged for alternate days and time. Call 972-252-3838 for details.


To see photos of the Heritage House, visit  For more information, contact 972-252-3838.

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