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Curiosity Shop offers both Wise Owl Chalk Paint and Sweet Pickins Milk Paint.

We get lots questions from customers about using both of these paints so we decided to share our answers.

Today's post is our top 3 most frequently asked questions about chalk paint. 

First, let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way…

Can I write on it with chalk?   

Chalk paint is not the same as chalkboard paint.  They’re two completely different products.  If you want to write on it with chalk, you’re looking for chalkboard paint which is available at Home Depot, Lowes and Hobby Lobby.

Do I need to sand and/or use a primer first?

Usually, no.  You can use chalk paint to paint right over bare wood or existing finishes.  There are some instances, however, when it is best to use primer and/or sand before painting, so you really have to look at each piece individually.

Some examples of when to sand first:  The existing paint job is sloppy with drip marks that should be removed.  The existing paint is chipping.  There are scratches or imperfections in the wood that need to be smoothed out before painting.  The existing finish is extremely shiny and slick (sometimes just rough it up with a quick run over it with a sander if it’s super shiny, even though it’s probably not always necessary).

Some examples of when to prime first: Painting over a wood that’s prone to bleeding, like cherry.  If the paint seems to be easily scratched off and isn’t fully adhering to the piece. Zinsser primer products are very good.

Just remember your paint job is only going to be as good as your base, so don’t get hung up on the “no prep”.

Can I thin out the paint?

Yes.  Chalk paint is pretty thick, and can be thinned with a bit of water.  Two options…  pour some paint into a cup and add water until it’s the consistency you want.  Or do it the lazy way and have a small cup of water next to your paint can, dip the tip of the brush into water then into the paint.  There’s no right or wrong amount of water to use, but you really only need a little.  The advantage of adding water is it makes the paint easier to brush on, and your finish will be smoother.

Please feel free to stop by Curiosity Shop at 1216 Rock Island Road to take a look at our paint products and also to view some of the furniture pieces we have already painted that are just waiting to go to their new homes. 

Curiosity Shop is open Monday - Saturday from 10:00 - 6:00 and Sunday from 12:00 - 4:00.

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Brenda Shipman - owner of Curiosity Shop - Contact Brenda at  
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