Karen Siddall
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Hill County Master Gardeners Receive $500 Check The group received the $500 check as one of the 2018 Community Improvement Grant awardees.

This year one of the recipients of a Bluebonnet RC&D Community Improvement Grant was the Hill County Master Gardeners. The group’s project was to install a rainwater harvesting system for the Wallace Nature Trail Butterfly Garden and Monarch Way Station. The project supported Bluebonnet’s goals such as providing positive learning opportunities to residents, visitors and volunteers, and improving the knowledge, understanding, and conservation of our natural resources.

Bluebonnet RC&D Board Member from Hill County, Karen Siddall, presented a $500 check to the group president, Carol Beyer, at their August 8 monthly meeting. Pictured are (front row L to R) Doris Hollingsworth, Karen Siddall, Bluebonnet Board member, Carol Beyer, President of the Hill County Master Gardeners, Linda Turner, Margaret Brunett, (back row L to R) Zach Davis, Texas AgriLife Hill County – County Agent (sponsoring agency), Diana Beck, Louise Watling, Doris Lake, Lucy Pustejovsky, Nita Westmoreland, Linda Gerik, and Barbara Soule.

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